Restaurant/Food Establishment Inspection Search

Welcome to the Arkansas Department of Health Food Establishment Inspection Website. From here you’ll be able to find the latest inspection reports on all your favorite food establishments by filling in one or more of the blanks below.

Keep in Mind:
  • The Food Protection Program of the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH) inspects all food establishments in the state to make sure they follow ADH Food Establishment Rules.
    (Link To Regulations)
  • Inspections are conducted 1-3 times per year depending upon the Risk Category of the establishment. Additional inspections occur to follow-up on violations and if/when the ADH receives a complaint.
  • The rules are written to ensure food is prepared, stored, and served safely, which in turn may prevent foodborne illness.
  • From the Inspection Report, you can see if the establishment is following the food safety rules.
  • Remember this inspection is only a snapshot in time. It represents only what the inspector saw on the particular date of inspection.
  • It is also important to remember that if problems were found during the inspection, the person in charge is shown what changes are needed to ensure safety.
  • Problems are often corrected at the time of inspection. These are noted by an asterisk "*", meaning “corrected on site (COS)” on the inspection form.
Understanding the Inspection Report

To see the actual inspection report click on this icon . If Observations were found, click the word Observation(s), to see specific information about the observation(s). To see past reports click Past Inspection(s).

Arkansas Food Establishments are categorized into three risk categories. These focus on the complexity of the service and the type of people routinely served. The number of inspections conducted per year depends upon these risk categories.
  • Category 1 (Low) — Includes grocery stores and places with little if any direct contact with unpackaged food. Routinely inspected once per year.
  • Category 2 (Medium) — The majority of food establishments, such as a restaurant. Routinely inspected twice a year.
  • Category 3 (High) — Higher risk establishments such as hospitals/nursing homes/some day cares or those where food preparation involves multiple steps or stations. This category can also include those places with repeat violations from the past. They are routinely inspected three times per year.
Additional inspections occur on follow-ups for previous violations and/or to look into complaints.

The inspectors check for specific factors/practices listed on the form and indicate whether the establishment is:
  • “IN” — in compliance — (following the regulation)
  • “OUT” — out of compliance — (not following the regulation)
  • “N/O” — not observed
  • “N/A” — does not apply
  • “(*)” — observed but corrected during the inspection (COS)
  • “R” — indicates a violation repeated from a previous inspection
The Comment Section contains notes made by the inspector about the finding (including the code being violated) what is needed to correct it, and the date at which it must be corrected.

Priority Level indicates whether the action is
  • “P” — Priority (violations that directly contribute to foodborne illness, such as not washing hands)
  • “PF” — Priority Foundation (Support or assist one or more priority violation(s) such as ensuring soap is provided at a hand sink to facilitate adequate handwashing)
Understanding the temperature section varies depending upon the Food item — but the general guidelines followed include maintaining:
  • Hot food — at 135 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
  • Cold food — at 41 degrees Fahrenheit or lower

Establishment Match By Name/Location

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 Inspection Date Range
Search within   mile(s) of the address above.
          (Results sorted by distance from center point.)

Food Safety
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